10 Reasons Your Siamese Cat Is So Mean

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Siamese cats are incredibly popular around the world.  This popularity is largely due to the intelligence, charisma, and cool appearance of the Siamese cat. However, like many cats, Siamese cats may experience different behaviors.  This behavior can sometimes include mean behavior.

The 10 reasons your Siamese cat is so mean are:

  • Siamese cats can be territorial
  • Cat overstimulation
  • Siamese cats are needy
  • Irritated cat
  • Siamese cats have short fuses
  • Stressed Siamese cat
  • Siamese cats are predators
  • Petting aggression in Siamese cats
  • Touch sensitivity in Siamese cats
  • Aggression in rescued Siamese cats
Reasons your Siamese cat is so meanDescription
TerritorialCats can be mean when they are acting territorial.
OverstimulationCats may seem mean and lash out if they are overstimulated.
NeedySiamese cats sometimes get attached to a person or animal and can act out because of this.
IrritatedIf a cat is irritated, it may lash out.
Short FuseCats may not have much patience and may appear mean because of it.
StressA stressed cat may act out.
Predator InstinctsCats are predators, and because of that, they may respond to certain situations like a hunter.
Petting AggressionSometimes cats can be overstimulated from petting and react poorly.
Touch SensitivitySome cats do not like being touched.
Aggression in Rescued Siamese CatsSometimes rescued cats have hard past lives that they have trouble leaving behind.  So, they may act out.

Pro-Tip:  If you are thinking of buying a cat or are a cat owner already, then you should be aware that taking care of the litter box can be a real chore.  In this age of smart products, an automatic litter box has been created that actually makes life easier with taking care of the litter box.  If you want to make your life much easier with a litter box that means you’ll never have to scoop litter again, check out the best automatic litter box on the market (in my opinion) on Amazon. 

Read on to learn more about Siamese cats and the reasons they can be mean.

Siamese Cats Can Be Territorial

Siamese Cat

Originally bred as guard cats in ancient Thai temples, Siamese cats are naturally protective of what is theirs. They are deeply affectionate and devoted companions and will often guard their owners and their house.

If your Siamese cat hisses and growls at strangers when they visit and shies away from being petted, it is likely because they feel you or their territory is under threat.

It is crucial to socialize your Siamese kitten from an early age. Introduce them to many different people and animals that are cat-friendly from as young as 2 to 7 weeks. This is when they are most receptive to new sensations and experiences.

Reward your cat when they are friendly and approachable to strangers. Positive reinforcement is highly effective in training cats.

Introduce your cat to people who visit your home when they arrive, allowing your cat to sniff them first before being petted. This will help to set your cat at ease.

Stay calm and try not to anticipate aggression from your cat when guests arrive at your house. Your cat senses your emotions, and if you are stressed, they will be too.

Cat Overstimulation

Siamese cats were created with an extra dash of crazy. If they get overexcited or overstimulated during playtime, they can quickly turn aggressive.

It is particularly important to teach Siamese kittens from early on that human hands are not toys. Buy (or make) toys that put some distance between your hand and those sharp claws. Please do not allow them to bite and claw your hands or feet playfully.

One can tell when the madness sets in because their pupils dilate, they thrash their tail around, and utter a frightening yowl.

If your Siamese cat starts attacking you in the middle of a game with the cat teaser, they are likely overexcited. If they bite you or grab your hand with their claws while you are stroking them, they may be overstimulated.

Never punish a cat by yelling at them, hitting them, or spraying them with water. Your cat will distrust you and behave more aggressively.

Learn your cat’s boundaries and observe their behavior closely to learn when to pull back on the attention to avoid getting bitten or clawed.

If they lash out at you, calmy, extricate your hand, or whatever limb they have grabbed, and leave them alone to ride the wave of craziness.

Siamese Cats Are Needy

Siamese cats are extremely social creatures. They love nothing more than following their beloved owner around the house, spying on them while they go about their daily business.

They are not a suitable breed for a person who is away at work during the day and is out at night. In addition, Siamese cats do not tolerate being left home alone.

Apart from being destructive to your furniture, Siamese cats will attack and bite their owners if they feel ignored or as if they are not getting the attention they need.

Carefully think when considering getting a Siamese kitten. They are an enormous commitment because they demand a lot of time and attention.

Siamese cats love the company of other pets if they are introduced appropriately initially. However, they should not be kept as single pets because they are highly social.

It is a great idea to get a pair of Siamese kittens rather than a single one. Traditionally, these cats are kept in pairs due to their friendly nature.

To learn more about Siamese cats and how they can love a human, check out my article:  Do Siamese Cats Attach To One Person? (Bonding Cats).

Irritated Cat

Siamese cats have giant attitudes, and just like people, they can get annoyed sometimes. However, if you meddle with their toys, displace their favorite sleeping spot, or try to initiate play or cuddles when they are not feeling in the mood, you may get a bite!

Although they usually show a lot of restraint in the bites or claws that they use to communicate their irritation to us, it can still hurt, even draw blood!

If cats are often in an irritable mood, or they suddenly start behaving very out of character, it may be due to an underlying health problem.

Take your grumpy cat to the vet for a checkup if you are concerned. They may be moody due to a gastrointestinal problem or a hurt limb.

Take notice of signs that your cat is getting irritated. They usually display several signs before they bite or claw you.

  • Agitation
  • Turning their head away from you
  • Twitchy tail
  • Rippling skin when you stroke them
  • Ears flicking back and forth

Siamese Cats Have Short Fuses

Siamese Cat

Siamese cats are known for being short-tempered. Because they are so quick to anger, the breed has developed a notorious reputation. This is why Siamese cats are often the villain in animated films, like in the 1955 Disney film Lady and the Tramp.

Rescued Siamese cats that have been abused and mistreated are often more prone to aggression. This is partly why they are not generally recommended for families with younger children.

However, Siamese cats are also extremely affectionate and loyal to their owners. They tend to develop a deep connection to one person, but they are loving to all members of their household and fiercely protective of their family.

If they feel that their favorite person is giving too much attention to somebody or something else, they get jealous and blow their top. Then, they may bite at their beloved’s ankle and scamper away around the former.

Siamese cats are high-energy and demand a lot of attention from their owners. Many people call them needy, but maybe co-dependent is a better word. They tend to be highly strung, and if they do not have their need for attention met, they act aggressively.

Any attention is better than no attention, right? If you shout at your Siamese or chase them, you are rewarding their aggressive demand for attention. Instead, ignore the behavior. Give them a while to cool off and then reapproach them kindly and give them cuddles or play with them.

It would be best if you determined the underlying reason behind your cat’s mean-streak. Are they lonely? Afraid? Jealous? Overstimulated? Study your cat’s behavior.  

Stressed Siamese Cat

Change can be extremely stressful and scary for cats. While moving to a new apartment may not be a big deal to you, to your Siamese cat, it feels like their world has been inverted.

Cats’ stress and fear in a new environment often manifest as aggression. Other triggers may be loud, unusual noises, like when there is construction happening nearby.

When cats are fearful, their instinct is to be aggressive in defense. You know your cat is in defense mode when their ears are pulled back, and they crouch with their legs and tail tucked under their body.

If you try to pet and comfort your cat while they are stressed, they may bite, scratch, or hiss at you. It is better to comfort them in other ways, like putting their favorite treats out for them.

When you are moving, help your Siamese cat transition more comfortably by gradually introducing them to the new home. Isolate them in one room for the first few days. Ensure they have all the things they are used to, like their litter box, food and water bowls, and toys.

If possible, introduce them to small sections of your new home at a time. Allowing them time to explore and sniff everything while you stand there makes them feel reassured and safe.

Doing this will help your cat behave less aggressively while they adjust to a new environment.

Siamese cats may end up meowing a lot.  Hear more about Siamese cats and meowing in my article:  Why Do Siamese Cats Meow So Much? See The Truth.

Siamese Cats Are Predators

Siamese cats are famous for their playfulness and energy. They love to constantly investigate their surroundings, explore, and stalk things, including us.

Siamese cats will playfully crouch around a corner, with their eyes fixed intently on their owner, and all of a sudden, with a twitch of their tail, grab onto their owners’ feet, biting and clawing.

They have a strong predatory drive, and behaviors like this are normal for Siamese cats. However, this does not make them mean. They are just incredibly playful, and people can mistake this for aggression.

You need to ensure that your Siamese cat has an outlet for its energy. Play interactive games with them. This is a fantastic way to bond and spend time together. They can be trained to play fetch and adore any games that engage their hunting instincts.

If Siamese cats do not get the stimulation they need, they will find it in other ways. For example, you may have your feet attacked when walking downstairs or turning a corner!

Siamese cats are predators, and to hear more about this, check out my article:  Do Siamese Cats Hunt? (Do Siamese Cats Hunt Mice?).

Petting Aggression in Siamese Cats

Most cat owners are familiar with this situation: your cat approaches, purring and rubbing up against your leg. You reach down to caress them and scratch all their favorite spots, and then suddenly, you get attacked!

Siamese owners are more familiar with this than most. This behavior has been researched, and veterinary scientists call it petting aggression.

Cats find physical touch enjoyable for a period, and then at some point, the sensation becomes unpleasant for them, and they give us signs that we should stop touching them.

This does not mean cats are cantankerous and mean. It is just how their nervous systems are wired.

Most people miss the initial signs that a cat has had enough: a twitchy tail, rippling skin (often misread as a sign of enjoyment), dilated pupils, and a tensing of the body. Stop touching the cat when you see these signs.

Avoiding petting aggression is a matter of prevention. First, learn your cat’s boundaries and what their threshold for petting is.

Use your cellphone to time petting sessions until your cat starts showing signs they have had enough. Then, only pet them for this duration and give them treats as a reward for being friendly.

Over time, this training will increase the amount of time they will tolerate being petted.

Siamese cats may end up yowling.  Check this article out to learn more about Siamese cats and yowling:  Why Does My Siamese Cat Yowl? Epic Reasons Here!

Touch Sensitivity in Siamese Cats

If your cat suddenly bites or scratches you when you try to pet them, the reason may be that they are feeling discomfort or pain. Do not immediately assume they are just being mean.

According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, Siamese cats are genetically predisposed to a condition known as feline hyperesthesia. As a result, areas of a cat’s skin, most frequently on their back and in front of their tail, become intensely sensitive and feel painful when touched.

These are places that cats usually love being petted. But, unfortunately, owners quickly realize something is wrong when they touch their cat’s back or tail, and they react aggressively.

Feline hyperesthesia causes cats to groom excessively, chase their tails, vocalize a lot, and urinate excessively. Take them to the vet if you suspect something may be wrong.

The vet will investigate and rule out other reasons your cat may be sensitive to being touched, such as:

  • Parasitic infestation
  • Spinal arthritis
  • Skin problem linked to fungal infection or allergic reaction

Cats can be treated for hyperesthesia with medication and a holistic treatment plan. They can still live long, comfortable lives.

One health issue that Siamese cats frequently see is cross-eyes.  To learn more about this, check out my article:  Why Siamese Cats Appear Cross-Eyed:  It’s Great Info!

Aggression in Rescued Siamese Cats

When you adopt a Siamese or any cat from a shelter, you need to be aware that they have experienced trauma. In the worse cases, cats get abused and neglected, but even in the best cases, just being picked up by animal control and put in a cage is traumatic.

If your rescued kitty does not act friendly and approachable right away, it is not because they are mean or ungrateful you adopted them. Instead, they are scared, and their fear manifests as aggression.

Siamese cats are highly strung and more aggressive by nature, and they need a dedicated, empathetic person to rescue and rehabilitate them. They will scratch and bite, but if you are patient, it is totally worth it. Rescued Siamese cats can be devoted and passionate about their person.

Give your rescued Siamese cat a quiet, safe space with lots of perches high up, a cat tree to claw, and a window to look out from. Providing them with a secure space will ease their fear and aggression.

To learn more about Siamese cats, check out my article:  Are Siamese Cats Easy To Train? Essential Knowledge.


Video: Siamese Cat 101

There are many reasons that a Siamese cat might be mean.  A few reasons are cat stress, touch sensitivity in cats, and Siamese cats being predators. If you have a Siamese cat that you think is mean, you should contact your veterinarian.  A veterinarian should know how to check your cat out to help determine why your Siamese cat is mean.  You may even need to consult a cat behavior specialist.

If you enjoyed this article, please check out a few more:

  • Siamese Cat Growth:  Explained Super Simple:  Click Here.
  • When Do Siamese Cats Stop Changing Color? (Find Out Now):  Click Here.
  • 13 Beautiful Cat Breeds Similar To Siamese Cats:  Click Here.

Here are some of my favorite cat products

In addition to checking out some other More Meows articles, I hope you’ll check out some of my favorite cat products as well.  These are affiliate links, so if you end up using them, I’ll get a commission at no extra cost to you.  These are the products I really do find most helpful.

Litter Box:  I started out with normal, traditional litter boxes for my cat.  Then, I tried this automatic litter box on Amazon (affiliate link), which helped reduce the litter upkeep.  Finally, I am now a believer in the Litter-Robot 3 Connect on Amazon (affiliate link).  This robotic litter box is not for everyone based on the price tag, but for me the benefits (very little upkeep, works efficiently, clean, mobile app) far outweighed the cost. 

My Cat’s Litter-Robot 3 Connect (with night light on) – See the link above the photo!

Cat Tree:  I have purchased a couple of this Amazon Basics Cat Tree on Amazon (affiliate link).  My cat spends a lot of time on and around this cat tree, which I position near my sofa.  She uses the scratching posts on this cat tree multiple times a day, which means she is not scratching the sofa instead.

Cat Water Fountain:  I love this cat water fountain on Amazon (affiliate link).  There are three main benefits to having a water fountain like this for your cat.  The first benefit is that it keeps water running so that your cat doesn’t need to drink still water.  The second benefit is that it filters the water.  The third benefit is that it will keep your cat hydrated!

Christopher Carlson

I have an Domestic Shorthair Tabby named Charlotte. She is full of energy when she isn't sleeping most of the day. I share what I learn about cats on this site.

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