Are Male Cats Friendlier? (Powerful Information)

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There are differences between cats, and sometimes people wonder if male cats are friendly. Of course, cats make great pets, but you want to choose one that will get along well with you, your children, and other pets in your household. So, are male cats friendlier?

No, male cats are not friendlier.  Anecdotal evidence suggests that male cats are friendlier than female cats. However, cat gender is not the main factor when determining if a cat will be friendly.  Cat breed, how a cat is raised by humans and being desexed are more significant regarding cat friendliness.

When you are thinking about getting a new cat, it is essential to consider several dynamics that come into play about how friendly the cat is toward you and other pets in your home. Read on to find out how various factors, including gender, relate to how friendly your cat is.

If you wonder what the best products are for your cat, check out this article that will break down all my recommendations for you: Things To Buy For A Cat Right Now!

Do Male or Female Cats Have a Better Temperament?

If the cat is desexed (neutered or spayed), there should not be major temperament differences due to gender. However, if the cat is not spayed or neutered, you may see different behavior from male or female cats, driven by hormones.

Spaying and Neutering Cats

Male neutered cats tend to be less aggressive and territorial than male cats that are not neutered. However, un-neutered male cats are often so fixated on finding a mate that they will be less friendly and affectionate with people. In addition, unneutered male cats will likely spray to mark their territory.

Un-spayed female cats may be more affectionate toward you and often become more vocal and might yowl more. They might prowl a little more than average but will not become aggressive toward their owners as males might. Heat cycles in female cats can occur every two to three weeks and last from days to over two weeks.

Overall Differences Between Male and Female Cats

Male Cat

While spaying or neutering your cat generally positively affects temperament, as the cat will be more mellow and less fixated on mating, there are some distinct overall differences between male and female cats that are not desexed.

Un-neutered male cats:

  • Can be more friendly and sociable
  • Are more likely to spray
  • Can be more playful
  • May get along better with other pets

Un-spayed Female cats:

  • May be more aloof and cautious
  • Can be slower to warm up and trust
  • Can be more aggressive towards other pets
  • Can be more fearful
  • May play and socialize less

These rules are not set in stone, however. Cats have individual personalities just like humans do. For example, some un-neutered male cats can be more standoffish, and some un-spayed female cats might be friendly and overly affectionate.

What determines a cat’s temperament?

Gender is not a driving factor in a cat’s temperament if that cat is desexed.  So, you should not see a significant difference in temperament amongst desexed cats based on gender alone. However, it would be best if you considered other factors about temperament, such as socialization, age, cat breed, etc.

Cat Socialization

Cats who are socialized with people and other pets also tend to be more friendly. So, a female cat who has been appropriately socialized may be more friendly than a male cat who has not. If you are looking for a nice, sociable cat, be sure to take the time to gently introduce them to new experiences and other animals who live in your home.

You can ensure that your cat is socialized correctly by:

  • Handling your cat or kitten gently and frequently
  • Slowly introduce your cat to other pets in the home
  • Providing places for your cat to hide, climb, and explore
  • Teaching children to be gentle with your cat
  • Providing stimulation in the form of toys, playtime, and treats
  • When you first bring your cat home, introduce it slowly to each part of the house, starting out in a small room if possible

Socializing your cat—male or female—will help your cat feel more comfortable in your home and will encourage the cat to feel safe to interact with other people and pets. Your cat will feel safe and will be more friendly and affectionate.

Cat Age and Temperament

Adopting a kitten means that you will provide formative experiences for your kitten that will help it feel comfortable being friendly and social. On the other hand, if you choose to adopt an adult cat, you will already know whether the cat is friendly or more aloof.

Kittens take a while to develop their personalities, so adopting an adult cat will make it less likely that you will be surprised by your cat’s temperament. If the cat you are thinking of taking home cuddles up to you right away, it is highly likely that you are bringing home an affectionate lap cat.

If you want a guaranteed friendly, sociable cat, you might want to consider an older cat with an established temperament. If this interests you, you should take a look at your local pet adoption center.

Does Cat Breed Affect Personality?

Certain cat breeds are also more friendly than others. This is almost certainly a more significant factor than gender when it comes to temperament. A few cat breeds with a reputation for being friendly and affectionate include:

It would help if you considered that friendly and affectionate cats will want to be in your presence more often.  So, if you are looking for a friendly cat, be sure that you have the time to give your cat lots of love and attention.

What is the best environment for a cat?

The environment in your home can also affect how friendly and social your cat is. For example, loud, chaotic environments with lots of stimulation may overwhelm a shy kitty, making it less likely to socialize with you.

Cats do need stimulation, but it is crucial to provide the correct kind. Most cats love to explore, so providing places for them to hide, climb, and play is essential. Your cat will be more likely to socialize if its environment is interesting but not overwhelming.

Other Animals in the Home Affect Temperament

If you have other animals, you will want to introduce them to your cat slowly. Getting off on the wrong foot can mean your cat develops fears and may be less social for a while. You will want to allow your cat to explore one small room without other pets for at least a few days before introducing it to your other pets.

Once your cat feels comfortable in that small space, you can allow it to roam a little more freely. Experts recommend allowing each animal to smell the other’s scent before introducing them face to face. This will help your cat feel more comfortable when it meets your other pets.

It may be normal for male and female cats to hiss when they first encounter another cat or a dog; keep an eye on them to ensure it does not escalate beyond hissing and growling. You can also consider providing treats during the meeting to reinforce good behavior.

Are Male Cats More Loving?

In my opinion, neutered male cats are not more loving than spayed female cats. This is because cat breed plays a much more significant role than cat gender in a cat’s personality.  This includes how loving a cat will be. 

Other factors can affect how loving a cat will be, such as how a cat is raised.  My advice is to look at cat breeds known to be quite affectionate, such as Maine Coons and Ragdolls.

What Gender Cat is More Cuddly?

I don’t think neutered male cats are any more cuddly than spayed female cats.  They can both be cuddly.  Cat breed, socialization, and environment play a much larger role in how cuddly a cat will be.  I would look at cat breeds known to be cuddly (i.e., lap cats) and go from there.  Take a look at Exotic Shorthairs, Persian cats, and Ragdolls, especially for a cuddly cat.

Are Male Cats More Attached to Their Owners?

In my opinion, neutered male cats are not more attached to their owners than spayed female cats.  Attachment to owners depends more on cat breed, how a cat was raised, and the environment the cat grew up in.  If you are looking for a cat that will be attached to you, I would look at Siberian cats, Persian cats, and Ragdolls.


Neutered male cats are just as friendly as spayed female cats.

While male cats that have not been neutered may be more friendly overall, there are many factors you will want to consider in addition to gender. For example, your cat’s breed, the environment the cat will be living in, other animals in the home, how the cat has been socialized, and the cat’s age will all contribute to how affectionate and social your cat is.

While there may be temperament differences between breeds and between individual animals, in general, If you want a friendly, sociable animal, either a neutered male or spayed female cat can be an excellent option for you.

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  • Do Cats Like Cat Strollers? (The Honest Truth):  Click Here.
  • Do Feral Cats Abandon Their Kittens? The Full Truth:  Click Here.
  • Are Cats Popular in Thailand? Fantastic Cat Info:  Click Here.

Christopher Carlson

I have an Domestic Shorthair Tabby named Charlotte. She is full of energy when she isn't sleeping most of the day. I share what I learn about cats on this site.

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