Do Cats Hunt Rabbits? The Terrifying Truth!

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Cats are fantastic hunters with the ability to track down and catch small animals. However, depending on a domesticated cat’s size, a wild animal such as a rabbit might be as large as they are. That being said, do cats hunt rabbits?

Yes, cats hunt rabbits.  Normally the cats that hunt rabbits will be feral cats or stray cats. Rabbits are small prey animals that most predators can hunt. Outdoor domesticated house cats that normally prey on mice or birds might seek out rabbits if they happen to cross paths.

Due to limited time outside, not many domesticated cats have the opportunity to hunt wild game. However, given the opportunity, most cats will act on their innate predatory instincts. The remainder of this article will focus on the hunting patterns of house cats and whether they can—or have the desire to—hunt rabbits.

Pro-Tip:  If you are thinking of buying a cat or are a cat owner already, then you should be aware that taking care of the litter box can be a real chore.  In this age of smart products, an automatic litter box has been created that actually makes life easier with taking care of the litter box.  If you want to make your life much easier with a litter box that means you’ll never have to scoop litter again, check out the best automatic litter box on the market (in my opinion) on Amazon. 

Do House Cats Hunt Rabbits?

Yes, house cats hunt rabbits. House cats will hunt rabbits if there are also rabbits in the house. Most rabbits are small prey animals that stimulate the predatorial instincts of cats. House cats will stalk, hunt, and attack rabbits.

Most domesticated predators like the house cat have an innate instinct to hunt down household pests. This can be a great asset for keeping the home rodent-free, but a cat’s primal instincts can extend outside of the household.

You may notice your inside cats staring out the window as birds, bugs, or even leaves fly by. This may be cute to watch as their eyes are fixed on the flying object, but this illustrates their primal instincts at play.

Like most prey animals, house cats rely on their opportunistic natures to catch and kill prey for feeding. Though they are much more likely to hunt and eat prey if they are hungry, they might act on opportunity and save their catch for later. This is why your cat may bring in their kill to be later found on the floor.

Rabbits are not rodents, but their size, speed, and habitats leave them susceptible to becoming prey for domesticated and feral cats. Rodents and insects tend to be the number one source of prey encountered by small cats due to opportunity, but any small mammal can be part of a healthy cat’s diet.

However, if your cat is strictly a house cat, they will have little to no chance of catching a wild rabbit. They may jump at windows if one is spotted, but catching one would either require the cat to go outside or the rabbit to come in.

Wild rabbits rarely make their way indoors. Indoor cats can still be skilled predators, but their prey will most likely be small household pests like bugs, rodents, and lizards.

Do Domestic Cats Hunt Rabbits?

Domestic cats are usually kept indoors and will hunt rabbits if given the opportunity. Domestic cats are predators for smaller prey animals like rabbits. Domestic cat breeds that would be especially good at hunting rabbits would be the Maine Coon, American Shorthair, and Siberian Forest Cat due to their notable hunting skills.

Some domestic cat breeds may be less inclined to hunt rabbits due to their lower energy levels. Cat breeds that are lower energy and could be less inclined to hunt rabbits are the Persian, Exotic Shorthair, and Ragdoll. Domestic cat owners should be aware that all felines have innate hunting instincts that could be triggered by a rabbit hopping around.

Do Cats Stalk Rabbits?

Yes, cats will stalk rabbits. Cats have natural hunting genes that are triggered when smaller prey enter their territory, and this causes them to stalk small animals such as rabbits. Feral and stray cats will be more interested in stalking rabbits since they never know where their next meal will come from.

Even though feral and stray cats may be more prone to stalking rabbits, it is still possible that indoor cats will be interested in stalking rabbits too. Pet rabbits will be in danger with most indoor cats, although some breeds will be more dangerous than others. Cats will stalk rabbits and then when the time is right they will pounce on them.

Do Cats Scare Rabbits?

Yes, cats scare rabbits and will cause rabbits to run away. Cats will hunt, stalk, and pounce at rabbits in order to catch them. Rabbits will get scared when they see cats because cats are predators. When rabbits are scared, their fight or flight instinct will kick in and they will usually run away.

When rabbits are scared they will sometimes fight even though their best countermeasure to danger is running away. If a cat scares a rabbit and the rabbit fights it is probably because the rabbit is cornered. A scared rabbit that fights may consist of foot thumping, biting, and punching with its front feet.

Do Cats Scare Rabbits to Death?

Yes, cats can scare rabbits to death if the rabbit has a heart attack. Cats are predators that can stalk rabbits and potentially scare them when they reveal themselves. While a cat scaring a rabbit to death is extremely unlikely, it is possible if the rabbit is old or unhealthy, making it prone to heart attacks.

Cardiovascular disease is on the rise in rabbits and can certainly contribute to the possibility of a cat scaring a rabbit to death, although extremely rare. Rabbit owners should ensure that their pet rabbit is getting regular checkups at the veterinarian so that cardiac disease can be detected as early as possible.

Do Feral Cats Hunt Rabbits?

Feral cats spend all their time outdoors and never know where their next meal is coming from, which makes them likely to hunt rabbits. rabbit populations are more likely to be preyed on by feral cats or stray cats than domesticated felines. Feral cats are excellent hunters that will hunt rabbits.

Yes, cats are a danger to rabbits.  Outdoor cats are known to decimate some species of wildlife. However, cats rarely hunt species of prey that fall in endangered categories. Small mammals such as rodents appear in the diet of feral cats three times more often than other species. It is possible that cats could make a meal of a rabbit or baby rabbit if they happen to come across one and can catch it.

If you would like to learn more about if cats like to hunt, check out my article:  Click Here.

Even so, given a chance and under the right conditions, your outdoor cat may still instinctively want to hunt a wild rabbit should they cross paths.

Does a Wild Cat Eat a Rabbit?

Yes, a wild cat will hunt and eat rabbits. Wild cats are predators with excellent hunting skills while rabbits are prey animals with few defenses against a wild cat. Wild cats live day by day so when a prey animal like a rabbit presents itself a wild cat will hunt it and eat it.

The types of wild cats that hunt and eat rabbits can range anywhere from feral or stray cats, bobcats, and even mountain lions. A rabbit will provide quite a bit of sustenance for a wild cat ensuring that the wild cat lives to see another day.

What Happens When a Cat Eats a Rabbit?

When a cat eats a rabbit they will absorb the nutritional sustenance from that animal. Rabbits are high in protein and will also provide nourishment that a cat needs to survive. The bones that a cat leaves after eating a rabbit will likely be picked over by other animals and bugs before being absorbed back into the Earth.

Rabbits have a ton of nourishment in their bodies, especially for smaller predators like house cats. This means a smaller cat can have one of the best meals of their lives by eating a rabbit. More than likely a cat that eats a rabbit will feel lethargic afterwards because that will be a lot of food for a cat. A rabbit is usually larger than the birds or mice that a cat usually catches so it will fill more of a cat’s stomach up when it is eaten.

Can a Cat Hunt a Rabbit?

Yes, a cat can hunt a rabbit. Felines are spectacular hunters that have the ability to find prey animals, like rabbits, stalk them, and then hunt them. Cats will hunt rabbits when given the opportunity because rabbits will provide food.

Some cats, like feral cats, are more likely to hunt rabbits. Rabbits are interested in eating plants and spend much of their time focused on the ground. The way rabbits move will stimulate a cat’s hunting instinct and then cause a predatorial cat to hunt them. Feral cats are especially prone to hunt rabbits because feral cats do not always have a regular source of food. This means a feral cat is more likely to hunt a rabbit when they come across one.

Do Cats See Rabbits As Prey?

Cats are predators that will see rabbits as prey. Cats and rabbits fall into the predator versus prey relationship in the wild. This relationship places cats and rabbits in their respective roles:

  • Predator – An animal that has an innate instinct to hunt and eat other animals
  • Prey – The animal predators eat

Rabbits are not often preyed on by domesticated cats due to opportunity. However, as mentioned above, if a rabbit crosses the path of your house cat, these primal instincts are bound to kick in, and the rabbit could become a part of your cat’s next meal.

However, even feral cats that need to hunt to survive are much more likely to hunt smaller prey. These include:

  • Lizards
  • Voles
  • Chipmunks
  • Birds
  • Frogs
  • Small snakes

These animals are often smaller and easier to catch than faster rabbits; therefore, these types of animals constitute most of a feral cat’s diet.

Do Cats Prey On Rabbits?

Yes, cats prey on rabbits although they are more likely to prey on smaller prey such as mice, birds, and lizards. Rabbits will be preyed on by cats because they act like a prey animal that is interested in eating vegetation on the ground. Cats see rabbits and immediately recognize the profile of a prey animal.

Cats will prey on rabbits by stalking them quietly without being seen. When cats are close enough they will make their move, which likely includes a pounce. Cats have excellent reflexes and speed, so when rabbits run away cats have a sporting chance at catching them.

Do Cats Hunt Baby Rabbits?

Yes, cats hunt baby rabbits. Baby rabbits are excellent prey for cats because baby rabbits have little ability to get away. Cats are excellent predators which means they will take advantage of hunting baby rabbits when they find them. Baby rabbits are an easy meal for a cat.

Baby rabbits that are a few weeks old are just learning about the wide world which makes they easy targets for predators, like cats. Cats will hunt any small prey animal that they come across, especially if that prey animal is a baby. Baby rabbits represent an opportunity for a cat to hunt successfully and feed themselves.

Do Cats Hunt Wild Rabbits?

Cats hunt wild rabbits although wild rabbits are quite good at noticing predators and running away. Some cats, such as feral cats and bobcats are especially good at hunting wild rabbits. Wild rabbits are not the preferred meal of a cat, but a cat will hunt a wild rabbit if they are nearby.

Wild rabbits are agile and so are cats, which means cats are capable of chasing and hunting wild rabbits. Feral cats use their hunting skills every day which makes them an incredible predator, even when hunting rabbits. Still, smaller prey like rodents are more likely to be caught and end up in a meal for a cat.

Do Cats Hunt and Kill Rabbits?

Yes, cats hunt and kill rabbits. Cats will hunt and kill any small prey animal in order to eat. Rabbits act like prey animals since they focus on eating food growing on the ground. Cats will attempt to get close to rabbits so they can hunt them by stalking them and then pouncing on top of them.

Rabbits are beautiful creatures but they present an opportunity for a prey animal, like cats, to eat. Cats are predators that have claws and teeth designed for catching small animals and tearing into them. Cats will hunt and kill rabbits because it keeps them alive and will fill their stomach.

Can Cats Smell Rabbits?

Cats have excellent noses that allow them to smell rabbits. Prowling cats that are searching for a potential meal will stop when they smell a rabbit and immediately go into hunting mode. Cats are great hunters that will try to catch a rabbit when they smell it.

Cats have powerful noses that have 200 million odor sensors which allow them to smell all sorts of animals, including rabbits. When cats get a whiff of rabbits they will start stalking the rabbit. If a rabbit notices a cat they will start running away.

Here are some of my favorite cat products

In addition to checking out some other More Meows articles, I hope you’ll check out some of my favorite cat products as well.  These are affiliate links, so if you end up using them, I’ll get a commission at no extra cost to you.  These are the products I really do find most helpful.

Litter Box:  I started out with normal, traditional litter boxes for my cat.  Then, I tried this automatic litter box on Amazon (affiliate link), which helped reduce the litter upkeep.  Finally, I am now a believer in the Litter-Robot 3 Connect on Amazon (affiliate link).  This robotic litter box is not for everyone based on the price tag, but for me the benefits (very little upkeep, works efficiently, clean, mobile app) far outweighed the cost. 

My Cat’s Litter-Robot 3 Connect (with night light on) – See the link above the photo!

Cat Tree:  I have purchased a couple of this Amazon Basics Cat Tree on Amazon (affiliate link).  My cat spends a lot of time on and around this cat tree, which I position near my sofa.  She uses the scratching posts on this cat tree multiple times a day, which means she is not scratching the sofa instead.

Cat Water Fountain:  I love this cat water fountain on Amazon (affiliate link).  There are three main benefits to having a water fountain like this for your cat.  The first benefit is that it keeps water running so that your cat doesn’t need to drink still water.  The second benefit is that it filters the water.  The third benefit is that it will keep your cat hydrated!

Are Cats a Danger to Rabbits?


Yes, cats are a danger to rabbits.  Cats are predators with claws and sharp teeth that they will use against prey animals, such as rabbits.  Rabbits, especially baby rabbits, may look like a tasty meal to a feral or stray cat. Rabbits are prey animals with few ways to defend themselves against predators, like cats, so cats are a huge danger to rabbits.

Cats are predators that are incredible at hunting smaller animals such as mice, squirrels, birds, and even rabbits. Cats can sense the movements of small animals and then decide to hunt them using their stealthy abilities and sharp claws. When a cat sinks its claws into prey it is hard for the prey to get away. This makes cats a big danger to small prey, such as rabbits.

Why Does My Cat Kill Bunnies?

Your cat kills bunnies because it is a predator looking for a meal and bunnies are prey. Cats will stalk, catch, and kill bunnies if they are able to do so since bunnies can represent a cat’s next meal. Cats have innate hunting skills that propel them to hunt and kill small prey like rabbits.

Cats are lovable creatures that also have the ability to take down prey. Rabbits are incredibly agile; however, they eat vegetation off the ground so they are vulnerable to a predator stalking them. Cats are born with the desire to hunt and that includes killing prey that they can catch, which sometimes are bunnies.

Do Cats Bite Rabbits?

Yes, cats bite rabbits. Cats bite rabbits because cats are hunters that focus on small prey. Rabbits are food to a cat which means when a cat gets a hold of a rabbit the rabbit will be bitten. In addition to biting a rabbit, cats will also use their sharp claws to grab and hold the rabbit in place while they bite.

Cats have skills and tools at their disposal when they hunt rabbits. The skills include the ability to sneak up on prey, stalk them, and chase after them. The tools a cat has in hunting rabbits are sharp claws and teeth. Cats will absolutely bite rabbits because that is the first step to eating it.

Are Cats Aggressive To Rabbits?

Yes, cats are aggressive to rabbits. If you have an indoor cat and a pet rabbit expect your indoor cat to still stalk and pounce on your rabbit. Additionally, some indoor cats will still hunt a pet rabbit and potentially bring dangerous harm to it. Cats act aggressively as predators towards rabbits.

Cats have lovable behaviors and aggressive behaviors. A cat’s lovable behaviors include rubbing against your leg or meowing at you…but, there is a side to a cat that is much scarier, especially to small prey. This is the aggressive side of a cat, which can include stalking, chasing, clawing, and biting small prey, such as rabbits.

Do Cats Deter Rabbits?

Yes, cats can deter rabbits. If rabbits sense that cats are around they will avoid the area because cats can be predators of rabbits. Rabbits will use their senses to evaluate danger and this includes looking out for cats. Cats can deter rabbits by leaving their smells around the territory and being visible to the rabbits, causing them to run away.

Cats, when visible, can show rabbits that a predator is near and the likely result will be the rabbits running away since they will not want to get caught and killed by the cat. Cats are fast and agile and able to chase rabbits and even catch them. This means that cats can be a good deterrent to rabbits.

What Do You Do if Your Cat Catches a Rabbit?

If your cat catches a rabbit, you will want to remove the rabbit from the cat immediately and take your cat indoors.  Next, you should take the rabbit to see a veterinarian or wildlife rehabilitator immediately to see if they can help the rabbit and nurse it back to help.

Cats have sharp claws that are certainly capable of catching rabbits since cats themselves are fast and agile. If a cat catches a rabbit the rabbit will scream and screech. A rabbit in pain will try to get away, but the claws of cats can latch on to a rabbit. If this happens and you are around, ensure you remove the cat immediately and assess the damage to the rabbit. Take the rabbit to an animal hospital if you can and see if they can help the rabbit.

My Cat Killed My Rabbit

If your cat killed your rabbit you should evaluate why this happened and ensure that you are not putting a cat, which is a predator, near a rabbit, which is prey. Additionally, if your rabbit was a beloved pet, you should hold a funeral for it and bury the rabbit in a pet cemetery. Pet cemeteries are everywhere and can accommodate a rabbit needing burial.

When you have a dead animal it can be really sad, especially if the dead animal is due to your own negligence as a pet owner. Putting prey animals in proximity to predatorial animals is a bad decision. In the future, ensure you are not mixing prey animals with their potential predators because these predators may have their hunting instincts kick in and then attack the prey.

Can Rabbits Defend Themselves Against Cats?

Yes, rabbits can defend themselves against cats, but their best defense is their speed and agility. More often than not, rabbits will use their agility to run or jump away rather than fight. If rabbits are agile and fast enough, they may be able to escape the domesticated cat.

Rabbits seem to thrive with a sense of territory. If the cat in question has invaded a space where the rabbit feels territorial, the rabbit will most likely fight to defend its home. Their claws and teeth are constantly growing, so they may use these to attack if threatened.

Your cat is most likely in no danger if they find a wild rabbit. When fight or flight kicks in, rabbits almost always choose flight.

How Do Rabbits Attack?

Rabbits attack by jumping forward and punching with their feet, kicking, and biting. A rabbit’s attack is not that effective given it is a prey animal. Since a rabbit’s attack is not very good, they should rely more on their excellent speed and agility.

Rabbits will attack when they feel threatened or scared. This may happen when a cat corners a rabbit or if a human gets grabby and tries to grab a rabbit whether on the floor or in its cage. Rabbits do not have very effective attacks so it is much better for a rabbit to run and jump away.

Will A Rabbit Attack A Cat?

Yes, a rabbit will attack a cat, but only if they feel like they can not get away from the cat. Cats are sneaky and fast which makes rabbits scared, causing them to run or fight. When rabbits attack cats they are trying to create an opportunity for them to run away safely.

Rabbits are prey animals hunted by many creatures, including cats. Cats are especially fast and will chase down a rabbit if they have the opportunity. This means when a rabbit is cornered they may need to attack the cat in order to create an opening for them to escape. Rabbits are quite agile and fast in their own right so surprising a cat with an attack could distract the cat long enough to get away.

Can A Rabbit Fight Off A Cat

A rabbit can fight off a cat if they do everything they can in order to get loose from a cat’s grip. When a rabbit kicks, punches, and bites at a cat they may create an opening to run away. Larger rabbits will have more success fighting off cats since their weight will aid in their defense.

Cats have many advantages over rabbits in a fight including claws, sharp teeth, and size. This means it is not advantageous for a rabbit to fight a cat unless absolutely necessary. That being said, a rabbit will be more successful in fighting off a cat if they try running away at the earliest possible time. For example, maybe the rabbit would kick the cat and then take off running as opposed to sticking around and continuing to fight.

Protecting Rabbits from Cats

Pet owners can protect rabbits from cats by not keeping both animals under the same roof. In the outdoors, people can use rabbit repellant sprays to help deter rabbits from entering the property where a house cat may be roaming. Additionally, cat owners should keep their cats indoors which will reduce their ability to prey on rabbits.

A cat’s desire to hunt wild game such as rabbits is a natural part of the web of life. This predatory instinct helps keep local rabbit populations manageable. If there were no natural predators to hunt wild rabbits, the rabbits would be met with a lack of available resources.

The survival of the species is, in fact, directly related to the predator versus prey dynamic. However, if you hope to keep your domesticated cats away from wild rabbits and hares, there are a few steps you may take:

  • Keep Your Cat Inside – You can start by limiting how much time your cat spends outdoors. You may also invest in a harness and leash and only let your cat roam outside while they are accompanied.
    • Read more about whether cat harnesses are cruel in my article:  Click Here.
  • Catio – You can keep your cat in an enclosed catio if you want to securely give them time outside.  Also, this will prevent them from hunting small prey like rabbits. 
  • Rabbit Repellent SprayRabbits are attracted to natural foliage and scents. A chemical repellent may keep these animals off of your property.

How To Keep Cats Away From Rabbits

The best way to keep cats away from rabbits is to not own both types of pets. Keeping cats and rabbits under the same roof means that the cats, which are predators, will constantly attempt to hunt to the rabbits, which are prey. Even separating cats and rabbits in different rooms of a house will not be enough to deter cats from hunting your rabbits.

In the outdoors, you may want to place plants that repel cats around the area that rabbits tend to live. Two of these cat repelling plants are geraniums and coleus canina, which is known to repel animals like cats due to the bad odors.

How Do Rabbits Protect Their Babies

Rabbits protect their babies by applying behaviors to deter predators. Mother rabbits will often leave their baby rabbits on their own while they find food for themselves and to avoid their babies’ detection by predators. Mother rabbits will also keep their babies in a hidden nest so predators cannot find them.

Rabbits love their babies, but most people would be surprised to see the amount of time that rabbits spend with their young since it is not a lot of time. There are many predators in the wild so rabbits need to be careful not to draw attention to their babies. Being conscious of predators helps a mother rabbit protect their babies.

Additionally, rabbits will select excellent areas to place their nests. When I was a child we had a large rabbit nest in my backyard which was situated in the middle of quite a few raspberry and blackberry bushes. These bushes had many thorns and no doubt provided excellent cover for the babies while mother rabbit was out getting a bite to eat.

How To Stop A Cat From Hunting Rabbits

Stopping a cat from hunting rabbits is not easy because a cat is a predator and rabbits are prey. The best way to stop a cat from hunting rabbits is to remove either the rabbits or the cat from the home. Having both rabbits and a at under the same roof likely guarantees that the predatorial cat will hunt the rabbits.

Cats have the minds of predators which means when they sense prey is nearby they will hunt it. This includes rabbits because rabbits act like prey animals. It is natural for cats to want to hunt rabbits. Asking a cat to stop being a predator is an impossible task even if you feed your cat every day. Cats will sometimes hunt for sport and have been known to play with their prey.

I think the best way to stop your cat from hunting your rabbits is to remove your cat or rabbits from the home so that the hunter or hunted are no longer around. That should prevent the carnage of a cat hunting rabbits. If you let your cat outside and it is catching rabbits, you should keep your cat indoors so that the rabbits are no longer caught and killed by your cat.

Do Cats Eat Rabbits?

Yes, cats eat rabbits. Rabbits are prey animals that provide nourishment to predators, such as cats. When a cat sees a rabbit it sees a potential meal and will want to catch it and eat it. Cats will eat rabbits because they are hungry and need food to live.

Cats eat all sorts of small prey animals including birds, mice, snakes, lizards, squirrels, and even rabbits. The reason cats eat rabbits is because they need food to survive. Rabbits have the ability to provide a large meal to a cat which makes catching a rabbit a big accomplishment for a cat. Rabbits are not easy for cats to catch so cats will more often hunt and eat other small prey, like mice, before hunting rabbits for food.

Would A Cat Eat A Rabbit?

Yes, a cat would eat a rabbit because rabbits are small prey animals that can provide a meal. Predators like cats do not discriminate when it comes to the small prey they will eat to survive. Cats will hunt and eat rabbits when they have the opportunity.

Rabbits are a tougher animal for a cat to catch than birds or mice. This is good for rabbits since cats are just as fast and agile. Cats will decimate local ecosystems by hunting and eating small prey, including rabbits.

Do Cats Eat Big Rabbits?

Some cats do eat big rabbits. House cats do not eat big rabbits but bobcats will. House cats will have major challenges taking down a large rabbit, however, bobcats will take down a large rabbit with ease. Bobcats are perfectly suited to hunt and eat big rabbits.

Bobcats will eat big rabbits for two main reasons. First, bobcats will eat big rabbits because they can. Taking down a big rabbit signifies a big meal which is always good for a bobcat. Second, bobcats are excellent predators that will hunt animals that look like prey. Large rabbits are still prey animals that act like prey and because they act like prey a bobcat will always be interested.

House cats are usually not large enough to take down a large rabbit and then eat it. While house cats would like to hunt and eat large rabbits they may not be heavy enough to successfully hunt the large rabbit.

Do Cats Eat Rabbits Heads?

Yes, cats eat rabbits heads because of the high nutritional value. Rabbit heads contain the brain and eyes which provide nutritional value to cats. Cats that hunt and eat rabbits will frequently eat the head of the rabbit. A rabbit’s brain contains many vitamins that will help provide nourishment to a cat.

The heads of prey animals are frequently eaten by predators due to the nutrition contained in the head. There are a lot of precious calories contained in a rabbit head that can feed a cat. Predators are always interested in eating the most nutritious areas of a prey animal that they have harvested. This is why it is not surprising when cats eat the heads of rabbits.

Can Cats Get Sick From Eating Rabbits?

Yes, cats can get sick from eating rabbits. Rabbits are well known to carry Tularemia, which can be passed to cats when they eat rabbits. Tularemia is an infectious disease, sometimes referred to as rabbit fever, which can cause many complications including fever, anorexia, and sepsis.

Tularemia is quite dangerous and this disease alone is a good idea to keep your cat away from rabbits. My recommendation is to keep your cat indoors and not under the same roof as a rabbit. This will help prevent your cat from eating rabbits and getting sick. Cats that are let outdoors run the risk of catching and eating rabbits and being exposed to Tularemia.

Cats that eat rabbits and get Tularemia can get incredibly sick. Some of these cats even experience anorexia, weight loss, and pneumonia. It is important to understand the drawbacks of letting your cat around rabbits so that you can make an informed decision on keeping your cat indoors or letting them roam outside.

Can Cats Eat Cooked Rabbit?

Yes, cats can eat cooked rabbit. It is imperative to cook rabbit meat completely for your cat because rabbit meat can contain Tularemia, which can cause problems such as fever, anorexia, and sepsis. Cooked rabbit is good protein and a tasty meal if your cat likes rabbit.

Its important for rabbit meat to be fully cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, if there are white lesions on the liver the rabbit has Tularemia and should be disposed of. You do not want your cat eating a rabbit and getting Tularemia. You also don’t want to cook rabbit for your cat and not cook the rabbit well enough. If the rabbit is not cooked enough the cat could still get Tularemia by eating the cooked (but not cooked well enough) rabbit.

Do Cats Eat Squirrels?

Yes, cats eat squirrels when given the opportunity. Cats are more likely to prey on smaller prey such as mice, birds, and lizards. Squirrels will be preyed on by cats because they act like a prey animal that is interested in eating nuts on the ground. Cats see squirrels and immediately recognize that they are prey animals.

Cats will hunt animals that look like prey and squirrels fit the mold. Squirrels focus on collecting nuts and eating them. Cats see this behavior from squirrels and they immediately feel the need to observe, stalk, and hunt animals like this. Cats see prey animals as their next meal to eat. Even if a cat has just eaten they will still hunt and kill an animal.

Do Cats Eat Mice?

Yes, cats eat mice because mice represent a good meal to a cat. Cats have evolved over the years to spot mice easily and will catch and eat them. Mice have the profile of a prey animal to a cat, which is a predator. Cats will use their claws to catch a mouse prior to eating them.

Cats are well known to hunt and eat mice. Some cat breeds are specifically known as mousers (they hunt mice well), such as the Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, and the American Shorthair. Occasionally, cats are known to play with mice prior to eating them. Sometimes, cats will not eat a mouse they have killed and instead drop it at the feet of their owner.

Do Rabbits Carry Diseases?

Yes, rabbits are known to carry diseases such as Tularemia, Myxomatosis, and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD). Tularemia can be transferred to other animals, such as cats, if an infected rabbit is not cooked completely. Rabbits should be vaccinated for Myxomatosis and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD).

Rabbits can also carry Encephalitozoonosis and Pasteurellosis. It is importna to get a pet rabbit checked out by a veterinarian so that you know what diseases it may have.

Rabbits are known to carry some diseases that can transfer to your household felines. The most common disease your cat might contract from rabbits, specifically, is tularemia.

This disease can be transmitted to humans through contact with an infected animal, so your sick cat can transfer the disease on to you.

If you think your cat might have encountered a diseased rabbit, do not hold the cat with your bare hands. Put on a pair of gloves, and place your cat in a safe location. If possible, immediately get the cat to a veterinarian for further examination.

The best practice for prevention is to follow the necessary precautions to limit how likely the cat encounters wild prey. Keeping your cat indoors as often as possible is the best first step.

Tularemia in Cats

Tularemia can pass to cats when they eat raw or undercooked rabbit meat that is infected with the Francisella Tularensis bacterium. It is also possible for cats to get Tularemia through eating raw or undercooked rodents. Tularemia is a nasty disease that can cause many ailments in cats such as fever and sepsis.

Tularemia is quite bad for felines. If a dead animal has white spots on its liver that is a good indication that the animal has Tularemia and should not be eaten. Cats may not recognize this and instead see a meal. There could be terrible consequences for a cat that eats a rabbit or mouse that has Tularemia.

Is It OK For Cats To Eat Rabbits?

It is no OK for cats to eat rabbits because rabbits could be infected with Tularemia. Additionally, rabbits are a vital part of our nature’s ecosystem. Cats that eat rabbits run the risk getting quite sick with Tularemia and experiencing many ailments, such as fever, weight loss, and sepsis.

Cats should not eat rabbits and owners should keep their cats indoors. It is also not a good idea to have a cat and a rabbit under the same roof because your cat will want to eat that rabbit. Rabbits need to be completely cooked to kill any Tularemia in them so even if you cook rabbit meat for a cat you run the risk of getting the cat sick if you undercook the rabbit meat.

Can Rabbits Give Diseases To Cats?

Yes, Rabbits can give diseases to cats. One nasty disease that rabbits can give to cats is Tularemia, or rabbit fever. Tularemia can be passed to a cat from a rabbit if the infected rabbit is eaten. Cats can get quite sick from Tularemia, which can cause many ailments in cats, such as anorexia, fever, and weight loss.

Cats will hunt and eat rabbits if they have the chance to do it. Unfortunately, this means that cats have the opportunity to get quite sick if the rabbit has Tularemia. It is safest to keep your cat indoors where it cannot hunt and eat rabbits. Also, it is a great idea to not have both a pet rabbit and pet cat under the same roof. This is because cats will see rabbits as prey animals and may try to eat them. This could expose them to disease.

Can House Rabbits Live with Cats?

It is possible that a house rabbit can live with cats but this is a bad idea because cats see house rabbits as prey. House rabbits act like prey animals and cats have a natural inclination to hunt and eat small prey. House rabbits kept in the same home with cats run the risk of being attacked, injured, or even killed.

Believe it or not, your house cat can befriend a house rabbit, but it is not something I recommend.  Suppose you will attempt to put your house cat and house rabbit in situations where they will encounter each other. In that case, I recommend you contact a behaviorist or veterinarian ahead of time for advice. 

Certain factors may create issues between cats and rabbits living together in a house.  Some of these factors are the predator and prey relationship and the sharp claws on a cat, especially if they are untrimmed.

Do Cats and Bunnies Get Along?

Cats do not normally get along with bunnies because bunnies are prey and cats are skilled predators. Bunnies want to hop around and eat off the ground while cats want to hunt, catch, and eat small prey such as bunnies. Cats and bunnies should not be kept under the same roof because it is likely a cat will hunt a bunny.

Bunnies are super cute animals that get hunted by predators in the wild. Cats possess the agility and speed to potentially hunt bunnies but they are more likely to go after smaller game, such as birds and rodents. Still, cats represent a danger to bunnies. This is why I think cats and bunnies should not be in the same house.

Are Cats OK With Rabbits?

Cats are not OK with rabbits because cats are exceptional hunters that see rabbits as a meal. Rabbits are prey animals that hop around and eat off the ground while cats sneak around and hunt prey. There is a high likelihood that a cat near a rabbit is hunting the rabbit with the intent of injuring or killing it.

In some unusual circumstances people will have cats and rabbits that get along. Unfortunately, this is rare. It is much more likely that your cat will be interested in eating your rabbit. Cats are cunning and agile which are useful when hunting rabbits. If rabbits are not aware of the creatures lurking in their surroundings it is likely they will be pounced on by a cat.

Introducing Cats to Rabbits

Cats and rabbits should be introduced to one another under direct supervision. Cages should be utilized to keep a cat from attacking the rabbit and to give the rabbit some comfort. Be watchful to ensure the cat does not want to hunt the rabbit.

I recommend that people do not introduce cats to rabbits and instead just focus on either cats or rabbits for pets. Keeping a cat and a rabbit in the same home is a recipe for a cat to hunt a rabbit. There may be a period of time that your cat and rabbit appear to be friends; however, cats are great predators and can sometimes hunt rabbits successfully.

How Do Rabbits Protect Their Babies?

Rabbits protect their babies by staying clear of their nest and not alerting any predators of where their babies are located. Rabbits will return to the nest every so often to ensure the baby rabbits are fed. Rabbits also have limited abilities to attack, such as punching and kicking.

Rabbits are not great at being dominant animals because they are prey. This limits their ability to protect their babies. If a cat does use its offensive weapons, like punching or kicking, the rabbit is probably just trying to create an opening to run away and live another day.

Rabbit vs. Cat

Rabbits and cats are natural enemies since rabbits are prey and cats are predators. There are major differences in the food rabbits and cats both eat. If given the chance, a cat, which is an excellent hunter, will catch and eat a rabbit.

Rabbits and cats are both agile and fast; however, cats are stealthy and skilled hunters. If looking at pets, a rabbit will be far less engaging than a cat will be. Cats are different than rabbits in that they will be far more social and playful with an owner.

Rabbits have excellent intuition and can sense when predators are nearby, which makes it harder for cats to catch rabbits. Unlike rabbits, cats can climb to high vantage points where they can view the surrounding ecosystem.

Rabbit vs Cat Intelligence

Cats and rabbits are both intelligent animals; however, cats are more intelligent than rabbits. Cats have approximately 760 million neurons in their brain and nervous system while rabbits have approximately 494 million neurons. Some cats are intelligent enough to learn tricks.

In my mind cats are much more intelligent than rabbits. This is because cats display the critical thinking necessary to lay in wait for prey and learn tricks. Cats have a ton of personality and it just seems like they are smart animals. That being said, there is a wide range of intelligence in different cat breeds. Some cat breeds that are known to be especially intelligent are the Siamese, Maine Coon, and Sphynx.

Rabbit vs Cat Food

Rabbits are herbivores that eat plants while cats are carnivores that need animal protein. The best foods for rabbits are hay and vegetables, which can also be found in pellets and treats. The best foods for cats are poultry and fish, found in both wet and dry cat food.

Rabbits love vegetables and that is also one reason they get hunted by cats; since they focus on the ground to get their food. Cats are excellent hunters, which is a good thing, because they need the animal protein. Cats focus on hunting other animals for food, such as rabbits, birds, and mice.

Cats vs Rabbits as Pets

Cats are superior pets to rabbits due to being more endearing animals, less maintenance, and more fun. Cats will jump on your lap and want to be held while most rabbits do not enjoy being picked up. Cats learn house training quickly and this may take longer for rabbits. Cats will help keep your home free of mice and other small vermin.

I have a cat as a pet because of the intelligence and how lovable they are. Cats have tremendous personality and enjoy the company of humans. I am sure rabbits make nice pets but I don’t personally see how they could be better pets than cats.

Do All Cats Kill Rabbits?

Yes, all cats kill rabbits because cats are excellent predators. Even the smallest cat breed, the Singapura, which weighs only eight pounds, is large enough to catch and kill most rabbit species. When cats get the opportunity to catch rabbits they will kill them and eat them for nourishment.

Rabbits represent a large meal for a cat so it is no surprise that when a predatorial cat gets the opportunity to take down a big meal it will do it. Not only are cats predators (with the mind of a predator) but they are also animals that will hunt purely out of sport even if they are not hungry. This means it can be hard to deter even a well fed cat from killing rabbits.


Domesticated cats are still very predatory by nature. For example, if you have seen your cat chasing after small creatures or floating leaves, those are their predatory instincts kicking in. They may be accustomed to a more leisurely life, but they will hunt wild game like birds and rabbits given a chance.

To protect your cats and the local rabbit population, you may want to consider limiting how much time they spend outside. Also, consider setting up a catio or using wildlife repellents to keep rabbits away.

Your cat is a natural-born hunter, but after taking a few precautions, you can help keep your little predator safe from unnecessary diseases and minor injuries.

If you enjoyed this article, please check out a few more:

  • Do Cats Hunt Moles? Fascinating Answers:  Click Here.
  • Will Persian Cats Hunt? Most Interesting Reasons:  Click Here.
  • Will A Maine Coon Kill Chickens? Best Reasons Why:  Click Here.

Christopher Carlson

I have an Domestic Shorthair Tabby named Charlotte. She is full of energy when she isn't sleeping most of the day. I share what I learn about cats on this site.

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